The world changes by your example, not by your opinion. Paulo Coelho

Our responsibility,
our goals

Our aim is to reconcile the current market requirements of the industry with our responsibility for future generations. This can only be achieved with clear values and agreed quality, energy and environmental targets. We work on this every day.

We are aware of our responsibility as an entrepreneur, employer and part of society and act sustainably.

Thomas Tillner
CEO of the OKE Group

It is our ambition to reconcile the requirements of our customers with our responsibility for future generations. Here, we provide a little insight into how we, as a plastics processing company, practise economic, ecological and social sustainability. Anyone who works with or at the OKE Group of Companies will experience, on both a small and a large scale, that we actively promote change processes that do justice to them – even beyond our own business sectors.

Our quality and environmental goals are assigned to responsible functional areas to make it clear who is responsible for achieving them. Through this process, we ensure that all employees of our company can identify with the objective and know to what extent they can contribute to it themselves. Because only together can we move toward a climate-friendly working world.

Step by Step

Implemented projects

Photovoltaic system
Changeover to
LED lamps
More climate-neutral
compressed air systems
cooling technology
Injection moulding machines
with the latest technology
CSR Report
Commitment to
the SDGs
Certified energy
Geothermal energy
Step by Step

Implemented projects


The Kinderhilfe in India

Between 2005 and 2020, we financed two children’s homes in the southern Indian region of Tamil Nadu with OKE Kinderhilfe. Thanks to our help, the girls and boys had safe accommodation, went to school and received healthy meals and clothing. All the children were orphans or half-orphans and would have had to work in the fields without our help. A total of over 500,000 euros was raised through employee donations.

Regional food

We also offer our employees good food from the region to take away. Homemade jams and pestos from our company restaurant, honey from our beekeeping employees, eggs from a neighboring chicken farm, … No hunger is just an intermediate goal for us: we offer good products for a healthy and varied diet at many locations!

The OKE Kinderhilfe in Ethiopia

In 2020-2022, OKE Children’s Aid supported a children’s project in the Tigray region of northern Ethiopia. The region is characterized by HIV, malaria and the effects of the past Ethiopian-Eritrean war. The area is also plagued by drought and a lack of food. We have supported 50 children between the ages of six and 13 from precarious family backgrounds, mostly half or full orphans, with basic care in the form of food, clothing, hygiene utensils, learning materials and psychosocial support.

Become and stay active

Health is not only, but ALSO, about sport. That’s why we offer all employees individually tailored training plans. For strong backs, for not getting out of breath so quickly, for good posture and better muscles. Together or alone, in our training rooms or in the fresh air, during breaks or after work. For everyone, just the way they like it!

Maintenance, servicing - prevention!

We not only maintain and service our machines and tools, but also offer all employees preventive medical check-ups. In addition to the legally prescribed standards, we have the opportunity to determine health parameters ourselves. What is the composition of muscle, water and fat in the body? What is the current stress and fitness level? We don’t leave anyone alone with the results. We give tips on nutrition and training and, if necessary, refer you to a doctor.

Trainee sport

Sport during working hours? This is not an exception for our trainees, but a fixed part of their weekly routine. After all, the start to working life is strenuous and club sports are often neglected during this phase of life. That’s why all trainees are offered a variety of activities to integrate variety and exercise into their everyday lives.

Our educational work

Our working world is constantly changing. At OKE, we are digitalizing more and more, processes are changing, new materials, components and customers are being added. That’s why we offer training courses in our learning center that can be easily integrated into everyday life. We are currently expanding our e-learning platform here. Blended learning is also gradually being added.

Training as a plumber

We support girls and young women in Burkina Faso to train as plumbers. There is a great need for trained specialists here, but there are hardly any training places and the few that do exist are not affordable for the majority of the population. Due to the poor hygienic conditions, waterborne diseases are constantly spreading in the country. By training as plumbers, the women contribute to a better supply of water, as graduates they can gain a foothold in the local labor market, earn their own money and support their families.

Come, do MINT

Technical professions are still dominated by men. The National Pact for Women in STEM Professions brings together more than 100 companies. The aim of the project is to get women interested in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). As a supporter of the nationwide Komm, mach MINT initiative, we can also get women interested in these subjects, while at the same time remaining realistic and sincere. And indeed, there are many women in technical areas, in production and development across all countries in the OKE Group.

Flexible models

We live our Code of Conduct, have had female managing directors and plan managers for many years, but also support fathers who want to take parental leave or reduce their working hours. We are continuing to work on making the traditional distribution of roles more permeable overall and offering flexible models.

Water consumption at a glance

As you can imagine, our extrusion process accounts for the largest share of our water consumption. This is because a lot of water is required in the open circuit due to discharge, evaporation and cleaning of the filters. We also use a monitoring system to quickly identify deviations, peculiarities and reporting limits in overall consumption.

Latrines for Burkina Faso

In Burkina Faso, 89 out of every 1,000 children die before they are five years old. In addition, there are all those children who do not develop well due to diarrheal diseases, for example, and adults are also affected by diseases due to a lack of hygiene facilities.
Since 2022, we have been supporting a pilot project with OKE Kinderhilfe to build sustainable composting latrines and hand-washing facilities in Samba, Burkina Faso. All materials such as concrete slabs, bricks, iron, sheet metal, metal doors and individual components are sourced from small local companies in Samba. This also ensures a high level of local identification with the project.


Our e-fleet currently comprises 45 vehicles, which are mainly used for carpooling. As soon as five employees want to travel to work together, we provide them with an electric vehicle. This free service is available at all locations in Germany.

PV roofs

The best photovoltaic systems are where they do not take up any additional space. This is why we use the roofs of our company buildings to generate electricity. All German sites are in the process of being set up, and our buildings abroad are also gradually being included.

Good environments

We attach great importance to good working conditions and collegial teamwork at all locations. Minimizing noise, plenty of daylight, but also the legally prescribed occupational safety are a matter of course for us. Everywhere.


With OKE Plus, we offer our employees a comprehensive range of additional benefits for which we have already received several awards. But we also want to continuously improve. That’s why we regularly ask about the wishes and challenges in everyday life. This results in many good, new approaches – such as the establishment of a care pilot who helps if an employee suddenly finds themselves caring for someone in need of care.

Our suggestion scheme

We promote sustainability and each work area is an expert in the potential for improvement in its own environment. As part of our company suggestion scheme, we therefore award prizes for practicable ideas that make us more efficient, more economical, greener and improve our carbon footprint!


There are Kaizen teams at several of our locations that are driving continuous improvement in our processes. What many people don’t know: The Japanese competitive strategy explicitly integrates all employees who work in different teams on the improvements that affect their immediate working environment.


One of the most important motivating factors is fairness within the company. If a colleague is paid more for the same work, is allowed to do more training or the head of department position is once again given to a younger colleague, a feeling of disadvantage quickly sets in. Being fair means applying the same rules to everyone – but not treating everyone exactly the same. Because every person is unique! That’s why we talk to our employees and ask about their wishes and goals.

Recycling inhouse

We process all plastics – and still standardize wherever possible. This is because we sort and recycle in-house, making a measurable contribution to the recycling of punched-out parts, sprues and start-up products.

Let's go!

Every employee knows best the processes that affect their own work. We therefore collect all suggestions for improvement and award prizes for the best ideas. We have already achieved a lot in terms of resource efficiency in particular!

Digitization saves!

We like to meet in person, but we can replace many short meetings with digital tools. With online meetings, VR applications and remote work, we save on travel and therefore CO₂.

Temperature control in our administration buildings

Throughout the EU, heating and cooling buildings is one of the main sources of carbon dioxide emissions and accounts for half of total energy consumption. We are guided by the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) and have adapted the settings for heating and cooling at our headquarters in Hörstel, among many other measures. The air conditioning can only be switched on from 22° C, while we can increase the temperature up to 20° C during the heating phase.

Protecting the oceans

We are firmly committed to reducing marine pollution and littering caused by plastic waste. We collect all types of waste separately, recycle plastics as far as possible and dispose of them properly.

Green islands

We protect hedgerows at the edges of our company premises or plant new ones. The dense shrubs bind fine dust and other pollutants, and they also provide a valuable habitat for numerous insect species. We also protect meadows – like here in Lübbecke – as ecological enhancements and small places of relaxation for our breaks. Our beekeeping employees use them as locations for their colonies. Solitary fruit trees provide shade, and we harvest fruit in late summer and fall.

Transparency through communication

With platforms such as our intranet and communication apps, we offer all employees information, the opportunity for interaction, feedback and access to services. In this way, we ensure transparency about the basis of decision-making and our organizational framework. These channels also provide us with opportunities for needs-oriented, inclusive, participatory offerings and representative feedback.

Climate-friendly SMEs

We are a member of the VEA initiative for climate-friendly SMEs. It supports SMEs in becoming more climate-friendly. The exchange of knowledge is a way of thinking outside the box and shows us where we can improve, why climate-friendly action makes sense, how to reduce costs and how to better meet the climate protection requirements of our customers.

The Kinderhilfe in India

Between 2005 and 2020, we financed two children’s homes in the southern Indian region of Tamil Nadu with OKE Kinderhilfe. Thanks to our help, the girls and boys had safe accommodation, went to school and received healthy meals and clothing. All the children were orphans or half-orphans and would have had to work in the fields without our help. A total of over 500,000 euros was raised through employee donations.

Regional food

We also offer our employees good food from the region to take away. Homemade jams and pestos from our company restaurant, honey from our beekeeping employees, eggs from a neighboring chicken farm, … No hunger is just an intermediate goal for us: we offer good products for a healthy and varied diet at many locations!

The OKE Kinderhilfe in Ethiopia

In 2020-2022, OKE Children’s Aid supported a children’s project in the Tigray region of northern Ethiopia. The region is characterized by HIV, malaria and the effects of the past Ethiopian-Eritrean war. The area is also plagued by drought and a lack of food. We have supported 50 children between the ages of six and 13 from precarious family backgrounds, mostly half or full orphans, with basic care in the form of food, clothing, hygiene utensils, learning materials and psychosocial support.

Become and stay active

Health is not only, but ALSO, about sport. That’s why we offer all employees individually tailored training plans. For strong backs, for not getting out of breath so quickly, for good posture and better muscles. Together or alone, in our training rooms or in the fresh air, during breaks or after work. For everyone, just the way they like it!

Maintenance, servicing - prevention!

We not only maintain and service our machines and tools, but also offer all employees preventive medical check-ups. In addition to the legally prescribed standards, we have the opportunity to determine health parameters ourselves. What is the composition of muscle, water and fat in the body? What is the current stress and fitness level? We don’t leave anyone alone with the results. We give tips on nutrition and training and, if necessary, refer you to a doctor.

Trainee sport

Sport during working hours? This is not an exception for our trainees, but a fixed part of their weekly routine. After all, the start to working life is strenuous and club sports are often neglected during this phase of life. That’s why all trainees are offered a variety of activities to integrate variety and exercise into their everyday lives.

Our educational work

Our working world is constantly changing. At OKE, we are digitalizing more and more, processes are changing, new materials, components and customers are being added. That’s why we offer training courses in our learning center that can be easily integrated into everyday life. We are currently expanding our e-learning platform here. Blended learning is also gradually being added.

Training as a plumber

We support girls and young women in Burkina Faso to train as plumbers. There is a great need for trained specialists here, but there are hardly any training places and the few that do exist are not affordable for the majority of the population. Due to the poor hygienic conditions, waterborne diseases are constantly spreading in the country. By training as plumbers, the women contribute to a better supply of water, as graduates they can gain a foothold in the local labor market, earn their own money and support their families.

Come, do MINT

Technical professions are still dominated by men. The National Pact for Women in STEM Professions brings together more than 100 companies. The aim of the project is to get women interested in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). As a supporter of the nationwide Komm, mach MINT initiative, we can also get women interested in these subjects, while at the same time remaining realistic and sincere. And indeed, there are many women in technical areas, in production and development across all countries in the OKE Group.

Flexible models

We live our Code of Conduct, have had female managing directors and plan managers for many years, but also support fathers who want to take parental leave or reduce their working hours. We are continuing to work on making the traditional distribution of roles more permeable overall and offering flexible models.

Water consumption at a glance

As you can imagine, our extrusion process accounts for the largest share of our water consumption. This is because a lot of water is required in the open circuit due to discharge, evaporation and cleaning of the filters. We also use a monitoring system to quickly identify deviations, peculiarities and reporting limits in overall consumption.

Latrines for Burkina Faso

In Burkina Faso, 89 out of every 1,000 children die before they are five years old. In addition, there are all those children who do not develop well due to diarrheal diseases, for example, and adults are also affected by diseases due to a lack of hygiene facilities.
Since 2022, we have been supporting a pilot project with OKE Kinderhilfe to build sustainable composting latrines and hand-washing facilities in Samba, Burkina Faso. All materials such as concrete slabs, bricks, iron, sheet metal, metal doors and individual components are sourced from small local companies in Samba. This also ensures a high level of local identification with the project.


Our e-fleet currently comprises 45 vehicles, which are mainly used for carpooling. As soon as five employees want to travel to work together, we provide them with an electric vehicle. This free service is available at all locations in Germany.

PV roofs

The best photovoltaic systems are where they do not take up any additional space. This is why we use the roofs of our company buildings to generate electricity. All German sites are in the process of being set up, and our buildings abroad are also gradually being included.

Good environments

We attach great importance to good working conditions and collegial teamwork at all locations. Minimizing noise, plenty of daylight, but also the legally prescribed occupational safety are a matter of course for us. Everywhere.


With OKE Plus, we offer our employees a comprehensive range of additional benefits for which we have already received several awards. But we also want to continuously improve. That’s why we regularly ask about the wishes and challenges in everyday life. This results in many good, new approaches – such as the establishment of a care pilot who helps if an employee suddenly finds themselves caring for someone in need of care.

Our suggestion scheme

We promote sustainability and each work area is an expert in the potential for improvement in its own environment. As part of our company suggestion scheme, we therefore award prizes for practicable ideas that make us more efficient, more economical, greener and improve our carbon footprint!


There are Kaizen teams at several of our locations that are driving continuous improvement in our processes. What many people don’t know: The Japanese competitive strategy explicitly integrates all employees who work in different teams on the improvements that affect their immediate working environment.


One of the most important motivating factors is fairness within the company. If a colleague is paid more for the same work, is allowed to do more training or the head of department position is once again given to a younger colleague, a feeling of disadvantage quickly sets in. Being fair means applying the same rules to everyone – but not treating everyone exactly the same. Because every person is unique! That’s why we talk to our employees and ask about their wishes and goals.

Recycling inhouse

We process all plastics – and still standardize wherever possible. This is because we sort and recycle in-house, making a measurable contribution to the recycling of punched-out parts, sprues and start-up products.

Let's go!

Every employee knows best the processes that affect their own work. We therefore collect all suggestions for improvement and award prizes for the best ideas. We have already achieved a lot in terms of resource efficiency in particular!

Digitization saves!

We like to meet in person, but we can replace many short meetings with digital tools. With online meetings, VR applications and remote work, we save on travel and therefore CO₂.

Temperature control in our administration buildings

Throughout the EU, heating and cooling buildings is one of the main sources of carbon dioxide emissions and accounts for half of total energy consumption. We are guided by the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) and have adapted the settings for heating and cooling at our headquarters in Hörstel, among many other measures. The air conditioning can only be switched on from 22° C, while we can increase the temperature up to 20° C during the heating phase.

Protecting the oceans

We are firmly committed to reducing marine pollution and littering caused by plastic waste. We collect all types of waste separately, recycle plastics as far as possible and dispose of them properly.

Green islands

We protect hedgerows at the edges of our company premises or plant new ones. The dense shrubs bind fine dust and other pollutants, and they also provide a valuable habitat for numerous insect species. We also protect meadows – like here in Lübbecke – as ecological enhancements and small places of relaxation for our breaks. Our beekeeping employees use them as locations for their colonies. Solitary fruit trees provide shade, and we harvest fruit in late summer and fall.

Transparency through communication

With platforms such as our intranet and communication apps, we offer all employees information, the opportunity for interaction, feedback and access to services. In this way, we ensure transparency about the basis of decision-making and our organizational framework. These channels also provide us with opportunities for needs-oriented, inclusive, participatory offerings and representative feedback.

Climate-friendly SMEs

We are a member of the VEA initiative for climate-friendly SMEs. It supports SMEs in becoming more climate-friendly. The exchange of knowledge is a way of thinking outside the box and shows us where we can improve, why climate-friendly action makes sense, how to reduce costs and how to better meet the climate protection requirements of our customers.

On the road to sustainability

Our Sustainability Report was prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). We use this globally recognised, voluntary standard to present our economic, environmental and social activities in a transparent, standardised and comparable manner. The path to sustainability is a continuous process. We have already achieved a lot in this regard, but there still remains a lot to do. We keep on track, consistently pursuing our goals and updating our report simultaneously.
We look forward to inspiring you with our sustainability report and our actions!

To the Sustainability Report

Working together,
be there for each other

Our Code of Conduct is based on our mission statement We pay Attention, international standards, legal requirements and our cotrol mechanisms. Compliance with this Code of Conduct is binding at all sites and for all our employees.

To the Code of Conduct

Our path to a
greener future

Certified energy management
Contact form

Feel free to contact us

We will be happy to accompany you on your way to more sustainability. Do you have ideas, tips or specific projects? Simply write to us using this contact form.