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We have been producing high-precision injection-moulded parts for more than 40 years. And we set the bar for precision very high: we produce perfect components with tolerances of only +/- 0.01 mm from a wide range of applications and industries.
Through automated and efficient production processes, we are able to optimise throughput times and thus guarantee our customers the greatest possible flexibility.
Our BDE/MDE system allows the digital control of production, monitoring of process parameters in real time and fast response times.
With over 150 fully and partially automated injection moulding machines, we produce precise plastic injection-moulded parts with the highest tolerance requirements. Our modern machinery with a clamping force of up to 2,500 t produces complex and three-dimensional injection-moulded components. Worldwide with a uniformly high standard of quality.
We want to provide you with the best possible service.
Please feel free to send us your questions via the contact form and we will forward them to the right expert for you!